The best way to validate your learning, is by teaching others.

Welcome to our blog!

At Yoink, we understand learning is a never-ending journey. We also understand that knowledge that is not written down, is knowledge lost. This blog is a collection of stories containing ideas about writing software, architecting systems, application of technologies, the creation of useful habits and interesting tools you can learn to improve yourself. We write about these topics to share our passion and interests with the world.

Reviewing large PRs

by Jan Ouwens
Dec 24, 2024

Do you have to do code reviews sometimes? I do. At my current project, we use GitHub PRs for that. Some PRs are small, and can easily be comprehended just by looking at them on the PR page, but some PRs are too large for this. The linear view that GitHub’s PR page provides provides little help to fully understand the changes made in the PR. So what do you do?

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Running a local LLM with Ollama

by Jan Ouwens
Jan 25, 2024

It’s January 2024 as I write this; I fully expect this post to be out of date by tomorrow, or even sooner. But I think this is exciting!

Running a Large Language Model, or LLM, or AI assistant locally always seemed like something that only the really dedicated hobbyists could do. It seemed to require lots of manual build steps and complicated tinkering to get something working. This is no longer true.

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Stop chasing nines

by Jan Ouwens
Sep 18, 2023

As an individual, it might feel like there’s not much we can do about climate change. As a developer, however, we have options that other people do not have: we’re pushing the buttons (literally and figuratively) behind the scenes of some of the biggest websites in the world. This is where we can make a difference.

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A Proud Milestone for Yoink

by Jan-Hendrik Kuperus
Sep 11, 2023

Five years ago I was working as a freelance Java Developer in what was the most fun assignment I had had in years. I was approaching the magic age of 40 and thoughts started to pop up in my head about what would be next. I had enjoyed my freedom while being self-employed, but being in the great team that I was, I started to realise I would have to leave them behind eventually. That sparked the idea to look ahead and rethink what the future would look like for me. Looking back, I would have never thought I would be here already, celebrating this major milestone. Before we get to that, let’s move forward from five years ago and build up to it.

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Exploring Sustainability in Tech (without the guilt-trips)

by Jan Ouwens
Nov 14, 2022

Panel at Devoxx

(source: Joey Bakker)

Climate change is a thing that affects us all. As developers, we are in a unique position to help do something about this. After all, the whole world runs on computers these days, and computers consume energy. We, developers, program these computers, and the decisions that we make have consequences beyond the business domain we code for. Also, as employed people living in Europe or North-America, we belong to the top 10% of richest people on the planet.

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Open Files in Vim from Finder

by Jan-Hendrik Kuperus
Aug 18, 2022

Using your favourite editor in a terminal right from the MacOS Finder is a major speed improvement

If you’re anything like me, you do a lot of editing on the Terminal. However, sometimes I’m browsing a project or some downloaded artifact from Finder. When double-clicking a .md file then proceeds to open XCode, I have this immediate sensation of “Oh no, what have I done!?”. Well, I fixed that.

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Pomodoro Timer with Slack and Alfred

by Jan-Hendrik Kuperus
Jul 17, 2020

Are you looking for a way to integrate that “awesome productivity hack” with the rest of your workflow, but just can’t seem to get it right? Have you tried a ton of these timers, apps, websites and whatnot, but they all just feel like another thing to remember or like two (comfy) left shoes? That’s how I felt when I tried to integrate the Pomodoro-technique into my workflow.

I use Slack a lot and I absolutely love it. At some point, I had a trial for a plugin that allows you to work on a task and have your status be set to 🍅 — Until 20:33. This would then also block notifications apart from direct mentions. This was great, but the rest of the integration just didn’t fit. Then I found a great app for my phone, where I could start timers for 25 minutes and then extend it by 5 minutes as needed, or go for a long/short break and then return to the next 25 minutes. Fantastic. It just didn’t integrate with Slack.

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Table Flip Everything

by Jan-Hendrik Kuperus
Jul 2, 2020

The noble art of ASCII-art has moved a bit to the background in the past decade with a few nice exceptions like ASCII movie converters producing magnificent scenes like this one from The Matrix . Also, you can’t really call yourself a geek if you haven’t seen the telnet-powered ASCII art version of Star Wars (just enter telnet and sit back).

Luckily, not all is lost. Communicating through written text is still a big part of the software development profession, be it through Slack or commit messages or text-alerts on your phone. Little gems like :) =]:-) :-O \o/ can still be used to add some sentiment to your messages. After all Fixed tests doesn’t make you feel half as much a bad-ass as Fixed tests B-) will.

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Turn your Keyboard into a Soundboard

by Jan-Hendrik Kuperus
Jun 16, 2020

Photo by mali maeder from Pexels

Are the only sounds on your office floor the random rickety-clicks of your colleagues’ keyboards? Are meetings dull and devoid of humor? Then pick yourself up, find some sound fragments and start bringing a new vibe to your work floor. (And probably annoy the heck out of some of your co-workers 😇)

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