Jul 17, 2020
Are you looking for a way to integrate that “awesome productivity hack” with the rest of your workflow, but just can’t seem to get it right? Have you tried a ton of these timers, apps, websites and whatnot, but they all just feel like another thing to remember or like two (comfy) left shoes? That’s how I felt when I tried to integrate the Pomodoro-technique into my workflow.
I use Slack a lot and I absolutely love it. At some point, I had a trial for a plugin that allows you to work on a task and have your status be set to 🍅 — Until 20:33
. This would then also block notifications apart from direct mentions. This was great, but the rest of the integration just didn’t fit. Then I found a great app for my phone, where I could start timers for 25 minutes and then extend it by 5 minutes as needed, or go for a long/short break and then return to the next 25 minutes. Fantastic. It just didn’t integrate with Slack.
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